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Tuzlanska Pivara Pilsner Style Beer

Tuzlanska Pivara Pilsner Style Beer

Item ID 130802
Brand Tuzlanska Pivara
Name Tuzlanska Pivara Pilsner Style Beer
UOM 12/330ml (4.9%)
Country Bosnia Herzegovina
UPC 3870015000022
Super clean and easy drinking, honeyed malt and grassy hops, clean lager yeast and a minerally well/spring water profile.

Bright saturated gold, three fingers of foam. Green glass = hop skunk, but it blows off quickly. Crisp and clean, a touch papery but not distracting. Hint of corn. Nice amount of grassy noble hops that linger into the dry finish.

Overall the simple rustic nature of this Pilsner doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but is well constructed, and pairs well with fatty smoked meats.
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