The COTNARI company has been the heart of the Cotnari vineyard since 1948. The locals' love for the growth and fruit of the vine has taught us to cherish every sun-bearing berry and to share the joy of life with others.
The road of wine is long, but full of rewards. We permanently take care of the more than 1,700 hectares with vineyards through high-performance agricultural works. Our specialists work in the laboratories of the plant or in the vineyards, to obtain new varieties of vines and new wine blends.
Cotnari wines have exceptional qualities obtained by limiting the average grape production per hectare to only 70-80% compared to the other vineyards in Romania or in the wine-growing countries. Our company will always choose quality over quantity. In our wine cellar, organized according to scientific criteria, we keep the most successful collections, starting with 1956.